2 Months Old! |
I guess the saying is true, that time truly does fly when you are having fun! It has been so fun to watch all the changes and growing you have done in the last month. Here are your stats from your 2 month checkup:
Height: 22 3/4 in. (60th percentile)
Weight: 11 lbs 12.8 oz (75th percentile)
Head Circumference: 15 3/4 in (65th percentile)
Diaper Size: Size 1
Clothing Size: 0 - 3 month and 3 month clothes
Here are a few of the things you have been up to in the past month:
- You continue to be our good little sleeper! Starting at about 5 weeks old, you began sleeping through the night. You are now sleeping from 9 or 10 pm until 6 or 7 am. We feel very fortunate for this! You are funny though as most mornings we find you sideways in your crib, you must be quite the wiggle worm.
- Speaking of sleep, you are now sleeping in your own room. We moved you to your room at 6 weeks old and haven't looked back. You made the adjustment smoothly, though we are still swaddling you to put you to sleep.
- You are NOT a fan of tummy time. It is a rare occasion that we can put you on your tummy without you getting upset. Even so, you are able to start pushing yourself up on your hands and are able to hold your head up pretty steady, sometimes all the way up to a 90 degree angle. Of course, this means we as your parents think you're gifted :).
- You rolled over for the first time at 6 weeks old. You went from your tummy to your back. I think it was a fluke though. I put you down on your tummy for some tummy time and you were not having it. You were so upset you rolled yourself right on over. We haven't seen you do it again, but you are wiggling around more and more every day. I have a feeling we will see you rolling again soon!
- You have started smiling and cooing, and mommy couldn't be more excited. You give me some of the sweetest grins and we can lay and talk for quite a while.
- You were eating 3 to 5 ounces every two hours when we went to the doctor for your check-up. However, she said we were probably feeding you too often so we've been now stretching you out to every three hours, which you seem to have done well with. She was probably right, as you are now spitting up a lot less!
- You have settled into a pretty predictable routine at this point, you usually will go back to sleep after we get up for your 7 am bottle for another hour or so, and then will usually stay awake the rest of the morning. The rest of the day you will usually eat, then stay awake for an hour and a half (though you sometimes stay awake for 2 in the late afternoon) and then settle down for a quick nap before your next bottle.
- You are really starting to enjoy bath time. You will lay on your foam pad in the sink and talk to us while we wash you down. Pretty soon we'll have you in the big tub!
- You made your first two big road trips this month.
- The first road trip was to Mulvane to spend Easter with Grammy and Grandpa McGuire. On the trip down you managed to projectile poop all over mommy in the backseat of the car while she was trying to change your diaper. Lesson learned, and next time we will be taking you into the gas station to change you.
- Your second road trip was with Mommy, Grandma and Aunt Jen. Cousin Julie had a bridal shower in Concordia so we made the round trip visit to see everyone in the area. We stayed the night with Great Grandma and Great Grandpa Hurley who couldn't wait to meet you. You also got to meet Great Aunt Barb and Great Uncle Allen. This was our first night away from daddy since you were born, we missed him a bunch! The next day before the shower you spent a few hours with Great Aunt Dana and Great Uncle Steve, who now insists is the favorite Great Aunt!
- Grandma and Grandpa Blow came up to visit you while Mommy and Daddy went out for a date night to a charity event. We are so lucky to have so many people who love you and will watch you for us!
Here are some of my favorite pictures from the past month:
I love looking at the lights |
This is how daddy does housework! |
Meeting Uncle Corbin for the first time! |
Our little Easter bunny |
Gage's first Easter |
Our first Easter as a family |
After rolling over for the first time, I hate tummy time! |
We love Grandpa Blow (aka the "baby whisperer") |
Snuggles with Grandma |
Holding hands with his new girlfriend, Alexa |
Looking at himself in the mirror |
Holding our head up a little more |
Hi, I'm new here! |
Making faces at himself in the mirror |
Great Grandma Hurley holding me |
Gage and Mommy with Great Grandma and Great Grandpa Hurley |
Four generations! |